Creatique Connectors Advantages
Automatic connectors are designed for >1 million cycles (excluded wear parts) 高達100萬頻次
Manual connectors are designed for >300.000 cycles (excluded wear parts) 高達30萬頻次
Spring pins and designed pins are used to reduce friction and damages on your socket and product (Creatique design)采用彈簧針和定制插針減少對產品件的磨損
Floating system with central repositioning are used for the automatic connectors 自動接頭采用帶中心復位的浮動系統
Easy connection/disconnection for manual connectors with ergonomic shape (good handling) 手動接頭符合人體工程學的外形易于手持輕松插拔
Automatic Pin-Connection system to reduce damages on socket pins for automatic connectors 自動接頭采用自動插針連接系統降低對電池包裝車件插座插針的損耗
Cooling system for power connector to reduce temperature inside the connector and on the socket, reduce product damages and increase life cycle/ 高壓接頭帶冷卻系統用于降低接頭內部及電池包裝車件插座的溫度
Design customized to your product, environment and use/針對于您的產品環境和應用專門設計
Easy maintenance without disassembly the connector/易于維護,無需拆開接頭
Maintenance kit with maintenance process are available for your own maintenance 提供維修套件帶維修作業指導書便于用戶后期自行維護